This recipe really is the Easiest Greek Salad in Vinaigrette Dressing that you can find. It is also delicious and Mediterranean Diet Friendly.
Author: Food, Wine, and Love | myposhmedia llc
Wine can be the perfect ingredient to use when you are planning a great pasta dinner. This is How To Make The Perfect Marinara Sauce With Wine.
Author: Food, Wine, and Love | myposhmedia llc
The best tasting Mediterranean diet friendly Whole Wheat Strawberry Muffins that can also be made as a healthy or vegan recipe
Italian seafood pasta Pescatore recipe. Cooked Italian spaghetti with seafood and vegetables. The best pasta I ever ate! You may also like...
Author: myediblefood
Author: Anna Stockel
Roasted Vegetable Casserole, a delicious vegan and Mediterranean diet friendly casserole that is perfect for serving for dinner!
This is everything a New England clambake is supposed to be. Complete with seaweed.
Author: Anna Stockel
Yummy eastern Indian lentil dal meets western hearty ham hock split pea soup. For a Vegetarian dish, use vegetable broth and Liquid Smoke. This is a mild...
Author: Anna Stockel